Immediate Loading Implants.

Immediate loading implant

Teeth are given within a week after implant placement.

Dental Implants

Implants are screw shaped that is placed in jawbone to replace a missing teeth. A crown is placed on this screw to look and function as the crown portion of the natural tooth. Dental implants are made majorly out of titanium material that suits the human body properly.

They are thin and cover only the front surface of the tooth and are less invasive.

Why To Choose Immediate Dental Implant?

A few reasons why our valued customers choose Immediate Dental Implant.

Here are some benefits of Dental Implant :-

  • Protects healthy bone
  • Retain your natural smile
  • Can last a lifetime if properly cared
  • Look, feel and function like natural teeth
  • Behaves like a natural teeth when chewing and speaking
  • Keep adjacent teeth stable
  • Reshape your shape

Here are some benefits of Immediate Dental Implant :-

  • Fewer surgical interventions
  • Reduction in overall treatment time
  • Reduced soft and hard tissue loss
  • Psychological satisfaction to the patient